This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point
arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Sylvie Boldo
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Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
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modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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(** * Helper function for computing the rounded value of a real number. *)
Require Import Core Digits Float_prop Bracket. Section Fcalc_round. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Section Fcalc_round_fexp. Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp).
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Px Bx He. unfold cexp. apply inbetween_float_bounds in Bx. assert (0 <= m)%Z as Hm. { apply Zlt_succ_le. eapply gt_0_F2R. apply Rlt_trans with (1 := Px). apply Bx. } { destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ Hm) as [Hm'|<-]. { erewrite <- mag_F2R_bounds_Zdigits with (1 := Hm'). { easy. } { easy. } } { clear Hm. assert (mag beta x <= e)%Z as Hx. { apply mag_le_bpow. { apply Rgt_not_eq. easy. } { rewrite Rabs_pos_eq. { rewrite <- F2R_bpow. easy. } { apply Rlt_le. easy. } } } { simpl in He |- *. clear Bx. destruct He as [He|He]. { apply eq_sym, valid_exp with (2 := He). apply Z.le_trans with e. { easy. } { easy. } } { apply valid_exp with (1 := He). apply Z.le_trans with e. { easy. } { easy. } } } } } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Px Bx. destruct Px as [Px|Px]. { split. { intros [H|H]. { left. rewrite <- cexp_inbetween_float with (1 := Px) (2 := Bx). { exact H. } { left. easy. } } { right. easy. } } { intros [H|H]. { left. rewrite cexp_inbetween_float with (1 := Px) (2 := Bx). { exact H. } { right. easy. } } { right. easy. } } } { assert (H := Bx). destruct Bx as [|c Bx _]. { split. { right. easy. } { right. easy. } } { rewrite <- Px in Bx. destruct Bx as [Bx1 Bx2]. apply lt_0_F2R in Bx1. apply gt_0_F2R in Bx2. omega. } } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros rnd choice Hc x m l e Hl. unfold round. unfold F2R. simpl. apply (f_equal (fun m => (IZR m * bpow e)%R)). apply Hc. apply inbetween_mult_reg with (bpow e). { apply bpow_gt_0. } { rewrite scaled_mantissa_mult_bpow. easy. } Qed.
Definition cond_incr (b : bool) m := if b then (m + 1)%Z else m.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros rnd choice Hc x m l e Hx. apply (f_equal (fun m => (IZR m * bpow e)%R)). simpl. replace (Rlt_bool x 0) with (Rlt_bool (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x) 0). { (* *)
apply Hc. apply inbetween_mult_reg with (bpow e). { apply bpow_gt_0. } { rewrite <- (Rabs_right (bpow e)) at 3. { rewrite <- Rabs_mult. rewrite scaled_mantissa_mult_bpow. easy. } { apply Rle_ge. apply bpow_ge_0. } } } { (* *)
destruct (Rlt_bool_spec x 0) as [Zx|Zx]. { simpl. apply Rlt_bool_true. rewrite <- (Rmult_0_l (bpow (-e))). apply Rmult_lt_compat_r with (2 := Zx). apply bpow_gt_0. } { simpl. apply Rlt_bool_false. apply Rmult_le_pos with (1 := Zx). apply bpow_ge_0. } } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m l Hl. refine (Zfloor_imp m _ _). apply inbetween_bounds with (2 := Hl). apply IZR_lt. apply Zlt_succ. Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. apply inbetween_float_round with (choice := fun m l => m). exact inbetween_int_DN. Qed.
Definition round_sign_DN s l :=
match l with
| loc_Exact => false
| _ => s
(** Given a triple (mantissa, exponent, position), this function
computes a triple with a canonic exponent, assuming the
original triple had enough precision. *)
Definition truncate t :=
let '(m, e, l) := t in
let k := (fexp (Zdigits beta m + e) - e)%Z in
if Zlt_bool 0 k then truncate_aux t k
else t.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros e l. unfold truncate. case Zlt_bool. { simpl. apply Zdiv_0_l. } { apply refl_equal. } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros m e l Hm. unfold truncate. set (k := (fexp (Zdigits beta m + e) - e)%Z). case Zlt_bool_spec. { intros Hk. (* *)
unfold truncate_aux. apply generic_format_F2R. intros Hd. unfold cexp. rewrite mag_F2R_Zdigits with (1 := Hd). rewrite Zdigits_div_Zpower with (1 := Hm). { replace (Zdigits beta m - k + (e + k))%Z with (Zdigits beta m + e)%Z by ring. unfold k. ring_simplify. apply Z.le_refl. } { split. { apply Zlt_le_weak. easy. } { apply Znot_gt_le. contradict Hd. apply Zdiv_small. apply conj with (1 := Hm). rewrite <- Z.abs_eq with (1 := Hm). apply Zpower_gt_Zdigits. apply Zlt_le_weak. apply Z.gt_lt. easy. } } } { intros Hk. (* *)
destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ Hm) as [Hm'|Hm']. { apply generic_format_F2R. unfold cexp. rewrite mag_F2R_Zdigits. { unfold k in Hk. clear -Hk. omega. } { apply Zgt_not_eq. easy. } } { rewrite <- Hm'. rewrite F2R_0. apply generic_format_0. } } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros m e Hm x Fx He. assert (Hc: cexp beta fexp x = fexp (Zdigits beta m + e)). { unfold cexp. unfold x. rewrite mag_F2R_Zdigits. { easy. } { easy. } } { unfold truncate. rewrite <- Hc. set (k := (cexp beta fexp x - e)%Z). case Zlt_bool_spec. { intros Hk. (* *)
unfold truncate_aux. rewrite Fx at 1. assert (H: (e + k)%Z = cexp beta fexp x). { unfold k. ring. } { refine (conj _ H). rewrite <- H. apply F2R_eq. replace (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x) with (IZR (Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x))). { rewrite Ztrunc_IZR. unfold scaled_mantissa. rewrite <- H. unfold x. unfold F2R. simpl. rewrite Rmult_assoc. rewrite <- bpow_plus. ring_simplify (e + - (e + k))%Z. clear -Hm Hk. destruct k as [|k|k]. { try easy. } { try easy. simpl. apply Zfloor_div. intros H. generalize (Zpower_pos_gt_0 beta k) (Zle_bool_imp_le _ _ (radix_prop beta)). omega. } { try easy. } } { rewrite scaled_mantissa_generic with (1 := Fx). rewrite Zfloor_IZR. easy. } } } { intros Hk. (* *)
split. { apply refl_equal. } { unfold k in Hk. omega. } } } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Hx H1 H2. unfold truncate. rewrite <- cexp_inbetween_float with (1 := Hx) (2 := H1). { idtac. generalize (Zlt_cases 0 (cexp beta fexp x - e)). destruct Zlt_bool. { intros Hk. split. { apply inbetween_float_new_location. { easy. } { easy. } } { ring. } } { intros Hk. apply (conj H1). omega. } } { left. easy . } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Hx H1 H2. apply truncate_correct_partial' with (1 := Hx) (2 := H1). rewrite cexp_inbetween_float with (1 := Hx) (2 := H1). { exact H2. } { right. easy. } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l [Hx|Hx] H1 H2. { destruct (Zle_or_lt e (fexp (Zdigits beta m + e))) as [H3|H3]. { generalize (truncate_correct_partial x m e l Hx H1 H3). destruct (truncate (m, e, l)) as [[m' e'] l']. intros [H4 H5]. apply (conj H4). left. easy. } { destruct H2 as [H2|H2]. { generalize (truncate_correct_partial' x m e l Hx H1 H2). destruct (truncate (m, e, l)) as [[m' e'] l']. intros [H4 H5]. apply (conj H4). left. easy. } { rewrite H2 in H1 |- *. simpl. generalize (Zlt_cases 0 (fexp (Zdigits beta m + e) - e)). destruct Zlt_bool. { intros H. apply False_ind. omega. } { intros _. apply (conj H1). right. repeat split. inversion_clear H1. rewrite H. apply generic_format_F2R. intros Zm. unfold cexp. rewrite mag_F2R_Zdigits with (1 := Zm). apply Zlt_le_weak. easy. } } } } { assert (Hm: m = 0%Z). { cut (m <= 0 < m + 1)%Z. { omega. } { assert (F2R (Float beta m e) <= x < F2R (Float beta (m + 1) e))%R as Hx'. { apply inbetween_float_bounds with (1 := H1). } { rewrite <- Hx in Hx'. split. { apply le_0_F2R with (1 := proj1 Hx'). } { apply gt_0_F2R with (1 := proj2 Hx'). } } } } { rewrite Hm in H1 |- *. rewrite <- Hx in H1 |- *. clear -H1. destruct H1 as [_ | l' [H _] _]. { assert (exists e', truncate (Z0, e, loc_Exact) = (Z0, e', loc_Exact)). { unfold truncate. unfold truncate_aux. case Zlt_bool. { rewrite Zdiv_0_l. rewrite Zmod_0_l. eexists. apply f_equal. unfold new_location. case Z.even. { easy. } { easy. } } { eexists. easy. } } { destruct H as [e' H]. rewrite H. split. { constructor. apply eq_sym, F2R_0. } { right. repeat split. apply generic_format_0. } } } { rewrite F2R_0 in H. elim Rlt_irrefl with (1 := H). } } } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Hx H1 H2. apply truncate_correct' with (1 := Hx) (2 := H1). apply cexp_inbetween_float_loc_Exact with (2 := H1). { easy. } { easy. } Qed.
Section round_dir. Variable rnd : R -> Z. Context { valid_rnd : Valid_rnd rnd }. Variable choice : Z -> location -> Z. Hypothesis inbetween_int_valid :
forall x m l,
inbetween_int m x l ->
rnd x = choice m l.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x m e l Hin [He|(Hl,Hf)]. rewrite He in Hin |- *. apply inbetween_float_round with (2 := Hin). exact inbetween_int_valid. rewrite Hl in Hin. inversion_clear Hin. rewrite Hl. replace (choice m loc_Exact) with m. rewrite <- H. apply round_generic... rewrite <- (Zrnd_IZR rnd m) at 1. apply inbetween_int_valid. now constructor. Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Hx Hl He. generalize (truncate_correct x m e l Hx Hl He). destruct (truncate (m, e, l)) as ((m', e'), l'). intros (H1, H2). apply round_any_correct. { easy. } { easy. } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Hx Hl He. generalize (truncate_correct' x m e l Hx Hl He). destruct (truncate (m, e, l)) as [[m' e'] l']. intros [H1 H2]. apply round_any_correct. { easy. } { easy. } Qed.
End round_dir. Section round_dir_sign. Variable rnd : R -> Z. Context { valid_rnd : Valid_rnd rnd }. Variable choice : bool -> Z -> location -> Z. Hypothesis inbetween_int_valid :
forall x m l,
inbetween_int m (Rabs x) l ->
rnd x = cond_Zopp (Rlt_bool x 0) (choice (Rlt_bool x 0) m l).
Proof. Admitted.
Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x m e l Hin [He|(Hl,Hf)]. rewrite He in Hin |- *. apply inbetween_float_round_sign with (2 := Hin). exact inbetween_int_valid. rewrite Hl in Hin. inversion_clear Hin. rewrite Hl. replace (choice (Rlt_bool x 0) m loc_Exact) with m. (* *)
unfold Rabs in H. destruct (Rcase_abs x) as [Zx|Zx]. rewrite Rlt_bool_true with (1 := Zx). simpl. rewrite F2R_Zopp. rewrite <- H, Ropp_involutive. apply round_generic... rewrite Rlt_bool_false. simpl. rewrite <- H. now apply round_generic. now apply Rge_le. (* *)
destruct (Rlt_bool_spec x 0) as [Zx|Zx]. (* . *)
apply Z.opp_inj. change (- m = cond_Zopp true (choice true m loc_Exact))%Z. rewrite <- (Zrnd_IZR rnd (-m)) at 1. assert (IZR (-m) < 0)%R. rewrite opp_IZR. apply Ropp_lt_gt_0_contravar. apply IZR_lt. apply gt_0_F2R with beta e. rewrite <- H. apply Rabs_pos_lt. now apply Rlt_not_eq. rewrite <- Rlt_bool_true with (1 := H0). apply inbetween_int_valid. constructor. rewrite Rabs_left with (1 := H0). rewrite opp_IZR. apply Ropp_involutive. (* . *)
change (m = cond_Zopp false (choice false m loc_Exact))%Z. rewrite <- (Zrnd_IZR rnd m) at 1. assert (0 <= IZR m)%R. apply IZR_le. apply ge_0_F2R with beta e. rewrite <- H. apply Rabs_pos. rewrite <- Rlt_bool_false with (1 := H0). apply inbetween_int_valid. constructor. now apply Rabs_pos_eq. Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Hl He. rewrite <- cexp_abs in He. generalize (truncate_correct' (Rabs x) m e l (Rabs_pos _) Hl He). destruct (truncate (m, e, l)) as [[m' e'] l']. intros [H1 H2]. apply round_sign_any_correct. { exact H1. } { destruct H2 as [H2|[H2 H3]]. { left. rewrite <- cexp_abs. easy. } { right. apply (conj H2). apply generic_format_abs_inv. easy. } } Qed.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l Hl He. apply round_trunc_sign_any_correct' with (1 := Hl). rewrite <- cexp_abs. apply cexp_inbetween_float_loc_Exact with (2 := Hl) (3 := He). apply Rabs_pos. Qed.
End round_dir_sign. (** * Instances of the theorems above, for the usual rounding modes. *)
Definition round_DN_correct :=
round_any_correct _ (fun m _ => m) inbetween_int_DN. Definition round_trunc_DN_correct :=
round_trunc_any_correct _ (fun m _ => m) inbetween_int_DN. Definition round_trunc_DN_correct' :=
round_trunc_any_correct' _ (fun m _ => m) inbetween_int_DN. Definition round_sign_DN_correct :=
round_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_sign_DN s l) m) inbetween_int_DN_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_DN_correct :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_sign_DN s l) m) inbetween_int_DN_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_DN_correct' :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct' _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_sign_DN s l) m) inbetween_int_DN_sign. Definition round_UP_correct :=
round_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_UP l) m) inbetween_int_UP. Definition round_trunc_UP_correct :=
round_trunc_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_UP l) m) inbetween_int_UP. Definition round_trunc_UP_correct' :=
round_trunc_any_correct' _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_UP l) m) inbetween_int_UP. Definition round_sign_UP_correct :=
round_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_sign_UP s l) m) inbetween_int_UP_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_UP_correct :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_sign_UP s l) m) inbetween_int_UP_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_UP_correct' :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct' _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_sign_UP s l) m) inbetween_int_UP_sign. Definition round_ZR_correct :=
round_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_ZR (Zlt_bool m 0) l) m) inbetween_int_ZR. Definition round_trunc_ZR_correct :=
round_trunc_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_ZR (Zlt_bool m 0) l) m) inbetween_int_ZR. Definition round_trunc_ZR_correct' :=
round_trunc_any_correct' _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_ZR (Zlt_bool m 0) l) m) inbetween_int_ZR. Definition round_sign_ZR_correct :=
round_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => m) inbetween_int_ZR_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_ZR_correct :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => m) inbetween_int_ZR_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_ZR_correct' :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct' _ (fun s m l => m) inbetween_int_ZR_sign. Definition round_NE_correct :=
round_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_N (negb (Z.even m)) l) m) inbetween_int_NE. Definition round_trunc_NE_correct :=
round_trunc_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_N (negb (Z.even m)) l) m) inbetween_int_NE. Definition round_trunc_NE_correct' :=
round_trunc_any_correct' _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_N (negb (Z.even m)) l) m) inbetween_int_NE. Definition round_sign_NE_correct :=
round_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_N (negb (Z.even m)) l) m) inbetween_int_NE_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_NE_correct :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_N (negb (Z.even m)) l) m) inbetween_int_NE_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_NE_correct' :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct' _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_N (negb (Z.even m)) l) m) inbetween_int_NE_sign. Definition round_NA_correct :=
round_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_N (Zle_bool 0 m) l) m) inbetween_int_NA. Definition round_trunc_NA_correct :=
round_trunc_any_correct _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_N (Zle_bool 0 m) l) m) inbetween_int_NA. Definition round_trunc_NA_correct' :=
round_trunc_any_correct' _ (fun m l => cond_incr (round_N (Zle_bool 0 m) l) m) inbetween_int_NA. Definition round_sign_NA_correct :=
round_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_N true l) m) inbetween_int_NA_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_NA_correct :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_N true l) m) inbetween_int_NA_sign. Definition round_trunc_sign_NA_correct' :=
round_trunc_sign_any_correct' _ (fun s m l => cond_incr (round_N true l) m) inbetween_int_NA_sign. End Fcalc_round_fexp. (** Specialization of truncate for FIX formats. *)
Variable emin : Z. Definition truncate_FIX t :=
let '(m, e, l) := t in
let k := (emin - e)%Z in
if Zlt_bool 0 k then
let p := Zpower beta k in
(Z.div m p, (e + k)%Z, new_location p (Zmod m p) l)
else t.
Proof. Admitted.
Proof. intros x m e l H1 H2. unfold truncate_FIX. set (k := (emin - e)%Z). set (p := Zpower beta k). unfold cexp. unfold FIX_exp. generalize (Zlt_cases 0 k). case (Zlt_bool 0 k). { intros Hk. (* shift *)
split. { apply inbetween_float_new_location. { easy. } { easy. } } { clear H2. left. unfold k. ring. } } { intros Hk. (* no shift *)
split. { exact H1. } { unfold k in Hk. destruct H2 as [H2|H2]. { left. omega. } { right. split. { exact H2. } { rewrite H2 in H1. inversion_clear H1. rewrite H. apply generic_format_F2R. unfold cexp. omega. } } } } Qed.