(*                                                                          *)
(*                                   Menhir                                 *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*           Jacques-Henri Jourdan, CNRS, LRI, Université Paris Sud         *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under    *)
(*  the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the  *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your  *)
(*  option) any later version, as described in the file LICENSE.            *)
(*                                                                          *)

From Coq Require Import List Syntax Derive.
From Coq.ssr Require Import ssreflect.
Require Automaton.
Require Import Alphabet Validator_classes.
Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T).
(** We instantiate some sets/map. **) Module TerminalComparableM <: ComparableM.
Definition t := terminal.
Instance tComparable : Comparable t := _.
End TerminalComparableM.
Module TerminalOrderedType := OrderedType_from_ComparableM TerminalComparableM.
Module StateProdPosComparableM <: ComparableM.
Definition t := (state*production*nat)%type.
Instance tComparable : Comparable t := _.
End StateProdPosComparableM.
Module StateProdPosOrderedType := OrderedType_from_ComparableM StateProdPosComparableM.
Module TerminalSet := FSetAVL.Make TerminalOrderedType.
Module StateProdPosMap := FMapAVL.Make StateProdPosOrderedType.
(** Nullable predicate for symbols and list of symbols. **) Definition nullable_symb (symbol:symbol) := match symbol with | NT nt => nullable_nterm nt | _ => false end.
Definition nullable_word (word:list symbol) := forallb nullable_symb word.
(** First predicate for non terminal, symbols and list of symbols, given as FSets. **) Definition first_nterm_set (nterm:nonterminal) := fold_left (fun acc t => TerminalSet.add t acc) (first_nterm nterm) TerminalSet.empty.
Definition first_symb_set (symbol:symbol) := match symbol with | NT nt => first_nterm_set nt | T t => TerminalSet.singleton t end.
Fixpoint first_word_set (word:list symbol) := match word with | [] => TerminalSet.empty | t::q => if nullable_symb t then TerminalSet.union (first_symb_set t) (first_word_set q) else first_symb_set t end.
(** Small helper for finding the part of an item that is after the dot. **) Definition future_of_prod prod dot_pos : list symbol := (fix loop n lst := match n with | O => lst | S x => match loop x lst with [] => [] | _::q => q end end) dot_pos (rev' (prod_rhs_rev prod)).
(** We build a fast map to store all the items of all the states. **) Definition items_map (_:unit): StateProdPosMap.t TerminalSet.t := fold_left (fun acc state => fold_left (fun acc item => let key := (state, prod_item item, dot_pos_item item) in let data := fold_left (fun acc t => TerminalSet.add t acc) (lookaheads_item item) TerminalSet.empty in let old := match StateProdPosMap.find key acc with | Some x => x | None => TerminalSet.empty end in StateProdPosMap.add key (TerminalSet.union data old) acc ) (items_of_state state) acc ) all_list (StateProdPosMap.empty TerminalSet.t).
(** We need to avoid computing items_map each time we need it. To that purpose, we declare a typeclass specifying that some map is equal to items_map. *) Class IsItemsMap m := is_items_map : m = items_map ().
(** Accessor. **) Definition find_items_map items_map state prod dot_pos : TerminalSet.t := match StateProdPosMap.find (state, prod, dot_pos) items_map with | None => TerminalSet.empty | Some x => x end.
Definition state_has_future state prod (fut:list symbol) (lookahead:terminal) := exists dot_pos:nat, fut = future_of_prod prod dot_pos /\ TerminalSet.In lookahead (find_items_map (items_map ()) state prod dot_pos).
(** Iterator over items. **) Definition forallb_items items_map (P:state -> production -> nat -> TerminalSet.t -> bool): bool:= StateProdPosMap.fold (fun key set acc => match key with (st, p, pos) => (acc && P st p pos set)%bool end ) items_map true.
intros ?.
by apply TerminalSet.subset_2.
intros ? -> -> HSS%TerminalSet.subset_2.
exists pos.
by apply HSS.
(* We do not declare this lemma as an instance, and use [Hint Extern] instead, because the typeclass mechanism has trouble instantiating some evars if we do not explicitely call [eassumption]. *) Hint Extern 2 (IsValidator (state_has_future _ _ _ _) _) => eapply is_validator_state_has_future_subset; [eassumption|eassumption || reflexivity|] : typeclass_instances.
induction _.
unfold TerminalSet.In.
unfold TerminalSet.MSet.In.
unfold TerminalSet.MSet.this.
unfold IsValidator.
unfold IsValidator.
intros Hlset%TerminalSet.elements_1 Hval Val.
apply Hval.
revert Val.
rewrite TerminalSet.fold_1.
generalize true at 1.
clear -Hlset.
induction Hlset as [? l <-%compare_eq|? l ? IH]=> /= b' Val.
destruct (b lookahead).
by destruct b'.
by induction l; destruct b'.
Hint Extern 100 (IsValidator _ _) => match goal with | H : TerminalSet.In ?lookahead ?lset |- _ => eapply (is_validator_iterate_lset _ (fun lookahead => _) _ _ H); clear H end : typeclass_instances.
intros -> Hval1 Hval2 Val st prod fut lookahead (pos & -> & Hlookahead).
rewrite /forallb_items StateProdPosMap.fold_1 in Val.
assert (match future_of_prod prod pos with | [] => b1 st prod pos (find_items_map (items_map ()) st prod pos) | s :: fut' => b2 st prod pos (find_items_map (items_map ()) st prod pos) s fut' end = true).
unfold find_items_map in *.
assert (Hfind := @StateProdPosMap.find_2 _ (items_map ()) (st, prod, pos)).
destruct StateProdPosMap.find as [lset|]; [|by edestruct (TerminalSet.empty_1); eauto].
specialize (Hfind _ eq_refl).
apply StateProdPosMap.elements_1 in Hfind.
revert Val.
generalize true at 1.
induction Hfind as [[? ?] l [?%compare_eq ?]|??? IH]=>?.
simpl in *; subst.
match goal with |- _ -> ?X = true => destruct X end; [done|].
rewrite Bool.andb_false_r.
induction l as [|[[[??]?]?] l IH]=>//.
apply IH.
destruct future_of_prod eqn:EQ.
by eapply Hval1; eauto.
eapply Hval2 with (pos := pos); eauto; [].
revert EQ.
unfold future_of_prod=>-> //.
(* We need a hint for expplicitely instantiating b1 and b2 with lambdas. *) Hint Extern 0 (IsValidator (forall st prod fut lookahead, state_has_future st prod fut lookahead -> _) _) => eapply (is_validator_forall_items _ (fun st prod pos lset => _) _ (fun st prod pos lset s fut' => _)) : typeclass_instances.
move=> -> /forallb_forall Val look.
specialize (Val look (all_list_forall _)).
exists 0.
by apply TerminalSet.mem_2.
(** * Validation for completeness **) (** The nullable predicate is a fixpoint : it is correct. **) Definition nullable_stable := forall p:production, if nullable_word (prod_rhs_rev p) then nullable_nterm (prod_lhs p) = true else True.
(** The first predicate is a fixpoint : it is correct. **) Definition first_stable:= forall (p:production), TerminalSet.Subset (first_word_set (rev' (prod_rhs_rev p))) (first_nterm_set (prod_lhs p)).
(** The initial state has all the S=>.u items, where S is the start non-terminal **) Definition start_future := forall (init:initstate) (p:production), prod_lhs p = start_nt init -> forall (t:terminal), state_has_future init p (rev' (prod_rhs_rev p)) t.
(** If a state contains an item of the form A->_.av[[b]], where a is a terminal, then reading an a does a [Shift_act], to a state containing an item of the form A->_.v[[b]]. **) Definition terminal_shift := forall (s1:state) prod fut lookahead, state_has_future s1 prod fut lookahead -> match fut with | T t::q => match action_table s1 with | Lookahead_act awp => match awp t with | Shift_act s2 _ => state_has_future s2 prod q lookahead | _ => False end | _ => False end | _ => True end.
(** If a state contains an item of the form A->_.[[a]], then either we do a [Default_reduce_act] of the corresponding production, either a is a terminal (ie. there is a lookahead terminal), and reading a does a [Reduce_act] of the corresponding production. **) Definition end_reduce := forall (s:state) prod fut lookahead, state_has_future s prod fut lookahead -> match fut with | [] => match action_table s with | Default_reduce_act p => p = prod | Lookahead_act awt => match awt lookahead with | Reduce_act p => p = prod | _ => False end end | _ => True end.
Definition is_end_reduce items_map := forallb_items items_map (fun s prod pos lset => match future_of_prod prod pos with | [] => match action_table s with | Default_reduce_act p => compare_eqb p prod | Lookahead_act awt => TerminalSet.fold (fun lookahead acc => match awt lookahead with | Reduce_act p => (acc && compare_eqb p prod)%bool | _ => false end) lset true end | _ => true end).
(** If a state contains an item of the form A->_.Bv[[b]], where B is a non terminal, then the goto table says we have to go to a state containing an item of the form A->_.v[[b]]. **) Definition non_terminal_goto := forall (s1:state) prod fut lookahead, state_has_future s1 prod fut lookahead -> match fut with | NT nt::q => match goto_table s1 nt with | Some (exist _ s2 _) => state_has_future s2 prod q lookahead | None => False end | _ => True end.
Definition start_goto := forall (init:initstate), match goto_table init (start_nt init) with | None => True | Some _ => False end.
(** Closure property of item sets : if a state contains an item of the form A->_.Bv[[b]], then for each production B->u and each terminal a of first(vb), the state contains an item of the form B->_.u[[a]] **) Definition non_terminal_closed := forall s1 prod fut lookahead, state_has_future s1 prod fut lookahead -> match fut with | NT nt::q => forall p, prod_lhs p = nt -> (if nullable_word q then state_has_future s1 p (future_of_prod p 0) lookahead else True) /\ (forall lookahead2, TerminalSet.In lookahead2 (first_word_set q) -> state_has_future s1 p (future_of_prod p 0) lookahead2) | _ => True end.
(** The automaton is complete **) Definition complete := nullable_stable /\ first_stable /\ start_future /\ terminal_shift /\ end_reduce /\ non_terminal_goto /\ start_goto /\ non_terminal_closed.
intros im.
subst is_complete_0.
instantiate (1:=fun im => _).
apply _.
Definition is_complete (_:unit) := is_complete_0 (items_map ()).
by apply complete_0_is_validator.
End Make.
"(* End of File *)"